

Tony Hills

Brendan Walls


2 PM, Saturday 9 July 2022

CAT Gallery, 27 Tasma Street, North Hobart 

Serving cake & kombucha from 12 PM


CAT presents a Q&A with Olympic weightlifter and Commonwealth record holder Tony Hills and local artist, behavioural therapist and former Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athlete, Brendan Walls.


Originally from Tasmania, Tony has represented Australia at many World title events and traveled and trained extensively throughout the USSR during his time with the Institute of Sport throughout the 80s.

In this special event, Tony will reflect on this era, where the USSR philosophy both institutionally and socially valued sport as culture, distinct from entertainment. The care and attention to athletes as individuals was notably different from his experience of being an athlete in Australia.

This event will be held within the BIOGYM exhibition and welcomes visitors to consider over a slice of chronobiological cake, the key tenets of Soviet boxing as well as other thinking that has informed the development of Grace Gamage’s exhibition, Pre- Post- Recover- Sagra

Grace Gamage’s chronobiological cakes, dedicated to boxing, will be served alongside the Q&A.


Image: Grace Gamage, Pre- Post- Recover- Sagra, 2022. Photo by Remi Chauvin.

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