Something Else
Something Else



Something Else

Date: 13-Oct-2007 – 04-Nov-2007

Location: Contemporary Art Tasmania

David Hawley is a Tasmanian painter who has exhibited widely across Australia for more than 15 years. Beginning his career in the North West of the State, Something Else is an exhibition that showcases his latest experiments in painting.

Hawley’s most recent abstract paintings float off the walls of the gallery. These works might be considered unusual in the sense that they are without frames or stretchers. The colours are instead fixed to transparent plastic and allow the white walls of the gallery to show through as a ground for the swirling patterns to bounce off.

As part of an ongoing project Hawley uses a photocopier to distort and capture images that form the basis for the design of his paintings and allow for infinite variations. The snapshot effect, created by the photocopier and added to the eye-popping optical flutter of the finished works, lends a fresh immediacy to this exhibition. Something Else integrates chance and formal decisions that counterpoint the dominance of digital media.

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