




Date: 15-Jan-2015 – 22-Feb-2015

Location: Contemporary Art Tasmania

From a tiny trickle to a turbulent vortex, this watery audio-visual projection is a maelstrom of light and sound

Torrent is an animated 3-channel projection with surround sound portraying the spectacle of water trickling, pouring and cascading, down two interior walls and swirling onto the floor as a stylised animated whirlpool, then finally draining away to nothing to begin the process again. The image of the waterfall whirlpool may be both allegorical and spectacle and be considered simultaneously benign and majestic bringing to mind the relaxation desktop screensaver, the grandiose power of an actual waterfall, as well as the malevolent spectacle of a natural disaster and the incongruity of seeing water flowing from places where it normally shouldn’t. The projections will be accompanied by a surround sound composition of original harp recordings by Mary Doumany.

Martine Corompt and Philip Brophy have each individually worked in a range of audio-visual media. While Philip has worked predominantly in film, video and music, Martine has centred on animation and installation. Both artists are especially cognizant of the modulating effects of one medium upon the other in mixed-media and multi-media art practice. Immersion has also been a consistent trait in both artists’ works over the years, and has provided a wider base for their shared sensibilities, in particular the Laneways project No Answer, a public art commission for the City of Melbourne in 1996 and more recently Torrent an audio visual projection project presented at Contemporary Art Tasmania.


Presented in partnership with MONA as part of MONA FOMA 2015

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